Step-by-Step Guide
Hardware requirement
CPU with 2+ cores
1TB free storage space to sync the Mainnet
8 MBit/sec download Internet service
Fast CPU with 4+ cores
High-performance SSD with at least 1TB of free space
25+ MBit/sec download Internet service
While it is possible to deploy with minimum requirements, we encourage you to deploy with hardware that is at least as good as we recommend.
Process Guide
Before you start deploying Devnet, make sure you have the dependencies installed. If you don't have at least the minimum version installed, it may not install and work properly even if you follow the guide below and enter the script.
Software dependency minimum version information
We recommend that you use the latest version possible, and at least the minimum version possible.
Before deploying Devnet, you must first install and version check the required software to run the system. Please make sure you have the appropriate versions installed before proceeding with the deployment. ※ For Mac OS/Linux users, we've configured a script to allow for a one-step installation. After you Git clone the repo per Step 2 below, enter the following script to complete the Dependencies installation.
copy the repository below to the PCs you want to deploy locally.
Go to the repository you cloned and type make build. This will install the various files for the rollup deployment.
When all is done, type make devnet-up to deploy the rollup with the information from the build.
Verify successful deployment
Execute the following command to verify the deployment. If the response is successful, it confirms that the rollup was deployed successfully.
Verify the L1 chain
Verify the L2 chain
Pre-Funded Dev Accounts
We support known accounts with a sufficient balance in advance to simplify Devnet deployment.
⚠️ These private keys are common knowledge, you should not use them on any network other than this dev network. Using these private keys on mainnet, or even a testnet, will most likely result in a loss of funds.
• Mnemonic: test test test test test test test test test test test junk
• Derivation path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/
Last updated