Gas estimation

The builders developing applications for Titan's ecosystem can use the Titan SDK to estimate the transaction costs in L2.

The cost of an L2 transaction comprises the L2 execution fee and the L1 security fee. Each fee component is defined as follows. Due to the structure adopted by Titan's Optimistic Rollup, which enhances the security of the L2 network by rolling up L1 transactions to L2, an additional L1 security fee exists alongside the L2 execution fee.

  • L2 execution fee = L2 gas price * L2 gas used (L2 gas used must be below L2's Gas Limit)

  • L1 security fee = L1 gas price * L1 gas used * L1 fee scalar

    • L1 fee scalar: The gas cost for the L1 transaction is adjusted using a scaling factor. This allows for dynamic adaptation to current network conditions and optimization of transaction costs, particularly in scenarios where gas prices experience rapid fluctuations.

For more information on L2 transaction fees, please refer to 'L2 fee' section.

Gas estimation using Titan SDK

  • In this section, we'll show you how to pre-calculate the gas cost of an L2 transaction with the Titan SDK through an example code. We'll compare the calculated gas cost with the actual gas consumed to see the difference.

  • You can find example code for using the Titan SDK directly to calculate L2 transaction gas costs here.

  • You can import the Titan SDK and the ethers libraries.

const ethers = require("ethers")
const titanSDK = require("@tokamak-network/titan-sdk")
  • Using the ethers library, you can create a provider and wallet instance to generate signatures and send transactions on the L2 network.

    • l2RpcProvider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider instance for L2

    • l2Wallet: Create a wallet for the L2 network using ethers.Wallet

const l2RpcProvider = titanSDK.asL2Provider(
  new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(endpointUrl)
const l2Wallet = new ethers.Wallet(addHexPrefix(privateKey), l2RpcProvider)
  • We define a function getEstimates() to perform gas estimation using the Titan SDK. The provider is the Ethereum provider object, and the tx is the object of the transaction to be estimated.

    • estimateTotalGasCost(): Calculates the total gas cost in Wei by adding the return value of estimateL1GasCost() and the return value of estimateL2GasCost().

    • estimateL1GasCost(): Calculates the gas cost incurred by L1 and outputs it in Wei units.

    • estimateL2GasCost(): Calculates the gas cost in Wei for L2.

    • estimateL1Gas(): Calculates the amount of gas used in L1 (L1 gas used)

// Get estimates from the SDK
const getEstimates = async (provider, tx) => {
  return {
    totalCost: await provider.estimateTotalGasCost(tx),
    l1Cost: await provider.estimateL1GasCost(tx),
    l2Cost: await provider.estimateL2GasCost(tx),
    l1Gas: await provider.estimateL1Gas(tx)
  • In this example, we deploy a Greeter contract and call a function within the contract to calculate the gas cost incurred on the L2.

  • The Greeter contract is described below.

    1. Constructor(string memory _greeting): Greeter's constructor. It takes an argument of type string named _greeting and stores it in the greeting variable. The constructor is executed only once when the contract is deployed.

    2. function greet() public view returns (string memory): A function that returns the value of the greeting variable. The view keyword indicates that this function does not change the state.

    3. function setGreeting(string memory _greeting) public: setGreeting function that changes the value of the greeting variable. Takes an argument named _greeting and updates the greeting variable.

// Greeter.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Greeter {
  string greeting;

  constructor(string memory _greeting) {
//    console.log("Deploying a Greeter with greeting:", _greeting);
    greeting = _greeting;

  function greet() public view returns (string memory) {
    return greeting;

  function setGreeting(string memory _greeting) public {
//    console.log("Changing greeting from '%s' to '%s'", greeting, _greeting);
    greeting = _greeting;
  • You create a factory instance by running the new ethers.ContractFactory function with the abi and bytecode of the Greeter contract and the L2 signer as parameters. Then deploy the Greeter contract. We initialize the instance to be deployed by passing an initial "Hi!" greeting to the constructor.

const factoryGreeter = new ethers.ContractFactory(greeterJSON.abi, greeterJSON.bytecode, signer)

const greeter = await factoryGreeter.deploy("Hi!")
await greeter.deployed()
console.log(`Greeter address: ${greeter.address}`)
  • You can call greeter's setGreeting function to change "Hi!" to "Hello!". You call the getEstimates function we defined earlier to estimate and calculate the gas costs incurred by L1 and L2. signer.provider represents the Ethereum provider, and fakeTx is the transaction object to estimate. The result of the estimation is assigned to the estimated variable. We can estimate the actual gas consumption by calling the greeter contract setGreeting function. The estimated gas consumption is assigned to estimated.l2Gas.

const greeting = "Hello!"

const fakeTxReq = await greeter.populateTransaction.setGreeting(greeting)
const fakeTx = await signer.populateTransaction(fakeTxReq)
console.log("About to get estimates")
let estimated = await getEstimates(signer.provider, fakeTx)
estimated.l2Gas = await greeter.estimateGas.setGreeting(greeting)
  • You call the setGreeting function of the greeter instance, passing in the greeting to create the actual transaction. Set the gas price for the transaction and execute the wait() function. We wait for the transaction to be processed and return the result of the transaction execution when it is complete.

console.log("About to create the transaction")
realTx = await greeter.setGreeting(greeting)
realTx.gasPrice = realTx.maxFeePerGas;
console.log("Transaction created and submitted")
realTxResp = await realTx.wait()
  • For example, the estimated and actual gas costs can be shown below.

    • You can check the total gas cost, L1 gas cost, and L2 gas cost by dividing the estimated gas cost and actual gas cost by the Titan SDK and check the amount of gas consumed by L1 and L2 and the difference between them.

   Total gas cost:           8842620676 wei
      L1 gas cost:               620676 wei
      L2 gas cost:           8842000000 wei

Real values:
   Total gas cost:           8839120640 wei
      L1 gas cost:               620676 wei
      L2 gas cost:           8838499964 wei

L1 Gas:
      Estimate:       4926
          Real:       4926
    Difference:          0

L2 Gas:
      Estimate:      35368
          Real:      35354
    Difference:        -14

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